Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API. ( It simply means that you are calling methods which have been marked with a @Deprecated annotation.) Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. (Probably, that is because you need to declare a List object, say (e.g.), without omitting '<' and '>': List < Integer > list = new ArrayList < Integer >();) Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations. ( for example when you call a function that returns Generic Collections and you don't specify the generic parameters yourself. for a function List < String > getNames () List names = obj . getNames (); will generate this error. To solve it you would just add the parameters List < String > names = obj . getNames ();) Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. ( From what I can tell in the docs, you can't do it on the command-line. According to the javac documentati...
Error ? Caused by: java.time.temporal.UnsupportedTemporalTypeException: Unsupported field: MinuteOfHour Solution : LocalDate represents just a date, not a DateTime. So "HH:mm:ss" make no sense when formatting a LocalDate . Use a LocalDateTime instead, assuming you want to represent both a date and time. Take a close look !! MinuteOfHour is unsupported /** Map of letters to fields. */ private static final Map < Character , TemporalField > FIELD_MAP = new HashMap <>(); static { FIELD_MAP . put ( 'G' , ChronoField . ERA ); FIELD_MAP . put ( 'y' , ChronoField . YEAR_OF_ERA ); FIELD_MAP . put ( 'u' , ChronoField . YEAR ); FIELD_MAP . put ( 'Q' , IsoFields . QUARTER_OF_YEAR ); FIELD_MAP . put ( 'q' , IsoFields . QUARTER_OF_YEAR ); FIELD_MAP . put ( 'M' , ChronoField . MONTH_OF_YEAR ); FIELD_MAP . put ( 'L' , ChronoField . MONTH_OF_YEAR ); FIELD_MAP . put (...
ERROR MESSAGE : org.apache.jasper.JasperException: PWC6033: Error in Javac compilation for JSP PWC6199: Generated servlet error: The source value 1.5 is out of date, will delete all the releases of the future PWC6199: Generated servlet error: The target value of 1.5 is out of date, will delete all the releases of the future PWC6199: Generated servlet error: To hide the obsolete option warning, please use the -Xlint:-options. PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 12 in the jsp file: /WEB-INF/jsp/view/viewCart.jsp PWC6199: Generated servlet error: -Source 1.5 does not support the diamond operator (please use -source version 7 or higher to enable the diamond operator) Solution On MAC : go to /Users/username/GlassFish_Server/glassfish/domains/domain2/config open the default_web.xml file find the <servlet-name> jsp</servlet-name> add <init-param> <param-name>compilerSourceVM</param-name> <param-value>1.8</...
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